Steve Gallizioli by Mike Hudak
 Video duration: 9:49
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  Steve Gallizioli (1924–2017)   clips 1 | 2
Holistic Resource Management
An early interest in hunting and fishing inspired Steve Gallizioli to pursue an undergraduate degree in fish and wildlife management after completing his service with the US Navy during World War II. Upon graduating from Oregon State University in 1950, Mr. Gallizioli worked briefly for the Oregon Department of Fish and Game before joining the Arizona Game and Fish Department where he remained for thirty-two years. Throughout his long career, Mr. Gallizioli became well-known for his papers and presentations in which he described the devastating consequences of overgrazing by livestock on wildlife habitat. Subsequent to his retirement from the department as chief of its Wildlife Management Division in 1983, he served on the board of the Arizona Wildlife Federation, and was its newsletter editor.

As an employee of the Arizona Game and Fish Department since the early 1950s, Steve Gallizioli saw first hand the damage that ranching was inflicting on public lands in Arizona. So when Gallizioli learned about Allan Savory’s grazing method, he hoped it would solve the conflict between ranchers and wildlife advocates. In this video, Gallizioli talks about his experiences with Allan Savory and with his ranching management system Holistic Resource Management (currently named Holistic Management).

Recorded in September 2004. This video is an excerpt from Steve Gallizioli’s interview in Western Turf Wars: The Politics of Public Lands Ranching.

Note: If you are unfamiliar with Holistic Management (formerly known as “Holistic Resource Management”), your appreciation of the Gallizioli video may be enhanced by first reading George Wuerthner’s article “The Donut Diet: The Too-Good-to-Be-True Claims of Holistic Mangement” or Jeff Burgess’s article “Holistic Resource Management (HRM): Panacea or Snake Oil?” Additional critiques of Holistic Management include those by Mike Hudak, Adam Merberg, Chris Clarke, Ralph Maughan, Robert Goodland, Michael Tobis, Guy McPherson, James McWilliams, and George Wuerthner.

For another video critique of Holistic Management, see Clait E. Braun.